
Charm slots hollow knight
Charm slots hollow knight

This charm is perfect for a first time playthrough.

charm slots hollow knight

  • Location: After first encounter with Cornifer, it can be bought from Iselda in Dirtmouth for 220 Geo.
  • Description: Whispers its location to the bearer whenever a map is open, allowing wanderers to pinpoint their current location.
  • Master List of All Charms and Their Locations in Hollow Knight Wayward Compass When overcharmed, play carefully - as you will take double damage until you are no longer overcharmed.

    charm slots hollow knight

    If you attempt to equip a charm that uses more notches than you have, the game will refuse a few times before finally relenting and equipping the charm.

    charm slots hollow knight

    A risky concept, the ability to be "overcharmed" allows you to equip more charms than you should be able to. The notches that determine how many charms you can equip are not a hard cap.

    Charm slots hollow knight